and laboratory workflows
PreciPoint is changing the future of the pathology lab. We are removing the barriers to entry into digital workflows for users, scientists, and experts. To do this, we develop user-centric solutions and tools for digital microscopy and digital pathology research. Our technology makes the work of microscopy users worldwide easier and more efficient. Our solutions help to give more people access to medical care. Our approach is holistic: together with users, we analyse digitalisation potential. Together with users, we develop products that combine first-class optics with compact and high-precision hardware design as well as easy-to-use and powerful software to meet real needs. PreciPoint’s digital microscopes, scanners, software, and cloud solutions are all developed to the highest German engineering standards and also produced in Germany. Our foundation is our products, which are high-quality in their application and intuitive in their operation. Building on this, we develop label-free diagnostics technologies to give pathologists worldwide new and more efficient tools.
Learn more about our innovations
I am the CSO at PreciPoint and I have wonderful teams that are a great inspiration to me with their drive and dedication. Together we help physicians and scientists to make their daily work easier and more efficient and to improve patient well-being through modern technology and digitalization. Our products are easy to use and deliver high quality. They create the working atmosphere that is necessary for innovation and progress.

At PreciPoint, I co-lead this great team with Nicolas Weiss, with particular responsibility for the processes and operational functions at PreciPoint. At PreciPoint, the community is our great strength and my personal inspiration. So many different profiles and training paths come together here and together we work to drive the digitalisation of pathology. In many labs, microscopy is still done like it was 100 years ago and outdated workflows inhibit progress. We are helping to change that.

I am responsible for strategy, business development and investor relations, and together with Dominik I lead a great team. Digital technology plays a key role in the fight against cancer. I want to help drive medical progress and improve patients' lives. PreciPoint works with many research partners to give medical professionals around the world access to the latest technologies.

I am the Chief Technology Officer and bring together the development of hardware and software. It is important to me that the users use our products as if they were a matter of course. The operation must be simple and intuitive, the system stable. I want our products to do an excellent job, but I don't want the device to take centre stage. I keep an eye on current developments and make sure that our systems are state of the art and still don't lose their clear design language.

PreciPoint Today
PreciPoint is digitising microscopy and empowering pathologists worldwide to transcend boundaries. With our solutions, we are changing workflows that have still been performed in analogue for 150 years. Our microscopes don’t just show small sections through an eyepiece. Our systems offer the user a full-time solution for digitising microscopy so that the user can continue to focus on the essentials of their work. Thanks to digitalisation, new possibilities for work and collaboration are emerging: our innovations provide the link. With our new research microscope FRITZ, we offer an affordable solution for first-class virtual microscopy. Our iO:M8, a CE-IVD certified digital live microscope that conforms to Regulation (EU) standards, is specifically designed for use in intraoperative consultations. It enables simple and fast collaborative work among medical professionals and facilitates obtaining a second opinion. We achieve all this because we work together as a team to make surgical and clinical pathology more effective and efficient. This is also proven by the three awards Top100, Best Employer Startup – Business Punk, Top Employer Medium-Sized Businesses – Fokus.

Company History
PreciPoint is a young company that can draw on a wealth of experience. The startup was formed in 2018 to drive the digitisation of microscopy and laboratory processes specifically in cancer diagnostics. Learn about our company history here.

In 1982 Fritz Müller founded the Fritz Müller GmbH. The tinkerer and inventor developed an XY stage for a microscope as well as corresponding software for microscopic hardness testing automation. Fritz Müller GmbH rose to become the market leader in this market segment and attracted the attention of an American company in 2009. The resulting asset buy-out made way for a change of direction: many years of experience in microscopy, mechanical development, and user-specific software formed the foundation for a revolutionary approach to digital microscopy. The goal was to build a microscope that delivers outstanding image quality, also digitises these images and at the same time is so easy to use that it can be operated purely intuitively. As a rule, microscopes are characterised by a large number of mechanical and electronic adjustment options that can also be easily adjusted. In addition, the image to be viewed is always limited to the field of view of the eyepiece. All these error-prone elements are eliminated in PreciPoint’s products.

The company was already able to deliver the first regularly manufactured -microscopes to customers in 2016. After the foundation of PreciPoint Group GmbH in 2018 and the reorganisation of PreciPoint with two subsidiaries at the locations in Thuringia and Bavaria, PreciPoint is now ready to start with the certification of its first own medical product, the iO:M8. The iO:M8 is a digital microscope that can be used in vitro for intraoperative examination of samples from the human body. In addition to the M8, the O8, an oil microscope, and a scanner, FRITZ has also been ready since 2021. In its efficiency, intuitive operability, and highest image quality, the virtual microscope combines all the values for which its namesake once stood.
As a company, PreciPoint takes a holistic approach. To achieve a disruptive effect in pathology, not only high-quality devices for digitisation are necessary, but also a problem-free integration into laboratory information systems, compatibility with other software systems, but also the question of how the generated images are further treated. Here, the company has developed precicloud, which makes it possible to store, manage and visualise the high-resolution whole-slide images and to annotate and share them easily. A further step is the integration of artificial intelligence, which is to take over important, fundamental tasks in pathology in the future and create space and time for further progress.
Incidentally, Fritz Müller is still closely associated with the company and continues to work on a variety of innovation projects. His vision of achieving high customer satisfaction by producing a user-friendly product has not been lost to this day.