You simply send us your samples and we do the scanning!

1. Slides
2. Scanning
3. Digitizing
They send us their samples.
We scan the samples and generate digital files in various formats.
Digital samples are uploaded to our secure cloud platform and we send the samples back to you
With ViewPoint, our free viewer software allows you to to view, annotate, measure, and process your digitized slides on your own device >> Download ViewPoint

ScanPoint supports standard slides as well as unconventional dimensions and thicknesses. Scanning of covered and uncovered slides possible

ScanPoint stands for highest quality and excellent resolution even for difficult samples and applications

ScanPoint: Scanning microscope slides
- Microscope used: M8 or O8 (PreciPoint GmbH)
- You decide: Partial or full scanning of samples, 5 scan qualities
- Always with overview image; barcode scanning possible
- Objectives used: 20x (NA 0.5-0.75), 40x (NA 0.75-0.95) & 60x (NA 0.9)
- Resolution: 20x, 0.5 NA: 0.32 μm / pixel; 40x, 0.75 NA: 0.16 μm / pixel
- Scanning method: Bright field
- Illumination method: transmitted light
The viewer software is free of charge
- Simple, intuitive and ergonomic operation via touchscreen
- Gelesene Formate: PreciPoint (.vmic) , Aperio (.svs, .tif) , Hamamatsu (.vms, .vmu, .ndpi) , Leica (.scn) , MIRAX (.mrxs) , Philips (. tiff) Sakura (.svslide) , Trestle (.tif) , Ventana (.bif, .tif) , Generic tiled TIFF (.tif) , .jpg , .tiff , .bmp , .png , .gif
- Write formats: TIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG
- Annotations, measurements & image manipulations: CSV / XLS, VPA, FPF
- Optional software-based applications and evaluations
- 1x-350x zoom (lens / digital)
- Runs best under Windows 7 – 10
Digitize your slides in the right resolution
Send us a request for a non-binding offer!
We scan your samples and create web-based or offline sample collections for you. Highest quality, variable dimensions and free viewer software.
The price for ScanPoint depends on the desired magnification, the number of slides and the dimensions of the slides.
Ask about our other functions
Advanced analyses
PreciPoint offers plug-in solutions for your automated and software-based analytics
Access your slides from anywhere and collaborate with your colleagues. Simultaneous work on the same cases made very easy
Classroom teaching
PreciPoint offers complete solutions to support your teaching, workshops and training.