PreciPoint Certifications
We are committed to excellence and continuous quality improvement. These certifications serve as our foundation for delivering value to our esteemed customers in all aspects of our operations, processes, programs, products, and solutions. The certificates guarantee that our systems, services, production procedures, and documented practices comply with all the necessary standards for quality assurance.
EU Declaration of Conformity
The Declaration of Conformity is a document that manufacturers or authorized representatives sign stating that their CE-marked products comply with all applicable EU directives and regulations. This document serves as a legal affirmation that the product meets all the requirements for sale in the European Union.
Signed by: Dominik, CEO, and Ludwig Wildner, CTO at PreciPoint
Signed for: iO:M8
Date and Place: 03.03.2023, Freising, Germany

TÜV SÜD Certification