On-demand Webinars
by PreciPoint
Here you can find recordings of our webinars and events
Future of Microscopy During Intraoperative Procedures: All You Need to Know About iOM8
21.07.2023 | Webinar recording | 29 Min.
Join us for an informative webinar on the stimulating world of our iO:M8 digital live microscope and its transformative role in your everyday intraoperative procedures.
Crack the Code - AI Image Analysis for Histology in 30 Mins
21.06.2023 | Webinar recording | 30 Min.
Join us as we unravel the power of image analysis and explore its various facets, including image segmentation techniques, object detection and recognition, and the cutting-edge realm of deep learning for image classification.
Why do you need the IT department to digitize frozen sections? | Digital Pathology Series Part 5
25.07.2022 | Webinar recording | 40 Min.
This is part 4 of our digital pathology webinar series. In this virtual event, we provide healthcare professionals with a basic understanding of the IT requirements for digital freezers. As a result, communication with IT specialists will be clearer and you will be able to lead the project to success with more confidence.
Digital Pathology without WSI? Digital Pathology Series Part 3
30.05.2022 | Webinar recording | 37 Min.
This is part 3 of our Digital Pathology webinar series dedicated to digital frozen sections. Digital Pathology without WSI – 5 Things you should know about digital microscopy. (for intraoperative consultations)
Digitize frozen section - to scan or not?
11.05.2022 | Webinar recording | 43 Min.
In this webinar (German only) we are pleased to talk to Dr. Claire Delbridge, Neuropathologist and Prof. Jens Gempt, Senior Consultant Neurosurgery at TUM. Together we will discuss the challenges of digitizing intraoperative consultations and present possible solutions.
Der Abschied von Ihrem analogen Mikroskop kann einfacher sein, als Sie denken | Digitale Pathologie Serie Teil 2
04.05.2022 | Webinar recording | 38 Min.
In this virtual event (English only), we explain why microscopy specialists who are used to the traditional microscope won’t get confused using a digital live microscope for the first time. In fact, with a digital, or robotic live microscope such as the iO:M8 ROSE, they can expect a similar yet digitally enhanced user experience.
Digital Frozen Sections - To Scan or Not to Scan? Digital Pathology Series Part 1
25.04.2022 | Webinar recording | 49 Min.
In this virtual event (English only), we are excited to talk with neuropathologist Dr. Alexandru C. Stan, about the pains and solutions for the digitization of intra-operative procedures.
How to Digitize Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Samples
13.04.2022 | Webinar recording | 35 Min.
Mike Barbeck, Mitbegründer von BerlinAnalytix, berichtet, wie sein Unternehmen mit dem M8-Digitalmikroskop und -Scanner erfolgreich auf die digitale Mikroskopie umgestiegen ist, um die Arbeitsabläufe in der histologischen Forschung für Kompatibilitätstests von Biomaterialien zu beschleunigen.
How has the teaching of histology evolved? (German)
05.04.2022 | Webinar recording | 33 Min.
In diesem Webinar sprechen wir mit Dr. med. Irene Brunk, Lehrkoordinatorin Fächerverbund Anatomie, über ihre Erfahrungen bei der Pandemie-bedingten Digitalisierung der Histologie-Kurse im Fächerverbund Anatomie.
Digitizing Quality Control Groups in Laboratory Medicine
07.12.2021 | Webinar recording | 47 Min.
External quality control groups are evaluating whether medical laboratories can make an accurate diagnosis. Quality assessment test schemes are usually run several times a year, whereby the test glass slides are sent to the medical labs in turn for evaluation. Not only is the process slow, but it is also time-consuming and logistically challenging, involving waiting time, transport costs, and paperwork.
AI analysis of the HER2 gene amplification status on whole slide fluorescence images (breast cancer)
29.10.2021 | Webinar recording | 41 Min.
Histopathological analysis is an integral part of pathologists’ daily work but is particularly tedious and involves time-consuming manual analysis of image/microscopy data. Digital imaging and AI tools can help pathologists cope with increasing demand.
From Tissue Classification to Proximity Measurement - AI Software in Histopathology Research Part 3
22.10.2021 | Webinar recording | 31 Min.
This is Part 3 of our webinar series in which we aim to explain AI software to new and upcoming AI users in the context of pathology research.
From Tissue Classification to Proximity Measurement - AI Software in Histopathology Research Part 2
20.10.2021 | Webinar recording | 41 Min.
Dies ist der zweite Teil der Webinarreihe, in der wir neuen und zukünftigen Anwendern von künstlicher Intelligenz KI-Software im Kontext der Pathologieforschung erklären.
From Tissue Classification to Proximity Measurement - AI Software in Histopathology Research Part 1
15.10.2021 | Webinar recording | 51 Min.
In this 3-part webinar series, we aim to explain AI software to new and upcoming AI users in the context of pathology research.
Introducing AI for image analysis - How to be successful? Part 4
21.09.2021 | Webinar recording | 32 Min.
In Part 4, we will focus on the topic of “Axon recognition for quantitative analysis of axonal regeneration”, where we explore a novel use case of AI in neuro-regeneration at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology in collaboration with KML Vision.
Introducing AI for image analysis - How to be successful? Part 3
21.09.2021 | Webinar recording | 34 Min.
In Part 3, we will focus on the topic of “Developing your own analysis: Challenges and best-practices”. If you are planning to train your own algorithm, this webinar is for you: We review the training and validation process, highlight some key challenges and how to overcome them.
Introducing AI for image analysis - How to be successful? Part 2
21.09.2021 | Webinar recording | 36 Min.
In Part 2, we will focus on the topic of “Choosing the right analysis solution: Defining your requirements”. We discuss the key questions to ask yourself as you define your objectives and requirements for an AI solution.
Introducing AI for image analysis - How to be successful? Part 1
21.09.2021 | Webinar recording | 43 Min.
In Part 1, we will focus on the topic of “Is my organization ready for AI? Pre-requisites and considerations”, as image analysis is a process, not a piece of software.
How to run quality assessment groups with virtual microscopy
30.08.2021 | Webinar recording | 42 Min.
In this webinar, we will demonstrate how to perform quality assurance tests for medical laboratories using the virtual microscopy solution PreciCloud.
How to create analysis Software
26.07.2021 | Webinar recording | 24 Min.
In this webinar, we will focus on AI in image analysis and how practitioners can participate in the creation of analysis software for their specific needs.
Computational Pathology Research in GI Histopathology
22.07.2021 | Webinar recording | 59 Min.
In this webinar, we will focus on tissue cartography analysis for GI histopathology.
Fritz - Digital Microscopy for Research
15.03.2021 | Webinar recording | 1 Std. 05 Min.
We will give you an introduction to the possible uses of digital scanners for your daily research work.
Women in Pathology - Digitizing the Pathology Lab
22.04.2021 | Webinar recording | 58 Min.
In this virtual panel, we talk to experts about how digitization is changing the lab.
Women in Pathology - Leading Digitization
29.04.2021 | Webinar recording | 1 Std. 04 Min.
In this virtual panel, we talk to experts about the requirements and hurdles they experience when digitizing a lab.
Women in Pathology - Using analysis software
06.05.2021 | Webinar recording | 1 Std. 02 Min.
In this virtual panel, we will discuss with experts about the use of AI and how you can start using it too.
Women in Pathology - Accelerating research
27.05.2021 | Webinar recording | 53 Min.
In this virtual panel, we talk to experts about how digitization is accelerating research.